
This is a beautiful amaryllis which my mother-in-law had sent to me for a Christmas present. It’s called a “Naomi,” which pleases me no end! It’s a rather stunning one, I think (much like its namesake); a bit short, but with 6 flowers on each stem. It’s also a lovely pale salmon, more pink than orange.

Gifts like this really do “keep on giving” because I have been enjoying it for several months now!

Our Daily Bread

I have been in a funk about photography – bad weather is my excuse about not getting out. Laziness is more the reality. And, a total lack of inspiration. We all go through these funks, but it gets exciting when interest picks up again, often with fresh eyes and thoughts.

I started the Instax Printer Project to just get me to do things. Hiking is really what gets me oot-and-aboot to make pictures. On the other hand, it can be a challenge, and a pleasure, to photograph the mundane. Bread and butter is mundane, but homemade rye bread and butter is a different story! I made some yesterday, and managed not to gobble it down just out of the oven.

Oh, yum!