On the Way to Second Beach

On the Way to Second Beach

About 10 years ago we spent several weeks exploring the Olympic Peninsula in western Washington State. This corner of the country is home to rain forests and here, a virgin forest of ancient cedars covered with moss and dripping with foggy condensation. To get to Second Beach, we took a trail through this forest. At times I wondered if we were still on the trail, but there were others, too, bound for the beach.

This forest goes straight out to where the beach meets the forest. One moment you are in a dripping and scary forest, and the next minute, out on a wide flat beach with sea stacks, and behind you, an edge of a forest that all looks the same! Luckily, the exit to the forest and entrance to the beach is clearly marked, otherwise, I doubt few people would make it back to the parking lot.

I don’t think I have ever seen anything as magical as this forest. Nor, do I think, have I ever visited a rain forest. It was very quiet and eerie, but I recall birdsong, dripping water, and the fact it was so quiet even with others nearby. The trail was covered with fallen cedar needles and moss was thick everywhere. A hush pervaded and could be felt like a blanket, yet it was comforting and joyful at the same time. Seeing such beauty reminds us other, older times, and the magic in the natural world.

The Hill

More browsing through history! Today, a trip back to the spring of 2017, a hike on a pathway behind the local botanical garden. Obviously there was some rain that year as there are green plants!

One thing I really enjoy doing is making panoramas out of a whole series of images. Sometimes I fail to get enough to create a good study, and that is where Photoshop comes in. I did a lot of filling in of empty spaces, and if you look closely you will see repetition of the cloud in the upper right corner, and plants in the lower left corner. That is what happens when I hand hold my Nikon Df camera and a long lens – this was the Tokina 100 macro lens. I think I took about 50+ photos here. I like to use a macro lens for panos because of the sharpness that is inherent in such lenses.

Altogether, I like what I did in post here. The coloration and composition are pleasant and summery. I also think it is a photo worth using as the basis for a landscape.


The first time I saw photos taken with the Nikon 50mm f1.2 AI-S lens I was smitten with lust. The narrow DOF, the bokeh, the visual qualities of the lens all beckoned. For years I have sat on the fence about buying one – they are expensive!

Finally, I gave in and found a wonderful deal on “that auction site” and won it for what I consider to be a good price. I bought it 3 days ago, and now it is here, complete with hood, front and back caps, but in need of a filter. I removed one from another 52mm-filter-using lens, and went to work. I took these with my Nikon Df just now.

I shot all of these wide open at iso 100, indoors and out to see how the 1.2 aperture worked. To say I am happy is an understatement. The Df shows what the lens can do, an it still retains that quality that many older lenses. The serial number of this lens indicates it is an older one, dating from an earlier manufacturing run. This lens has been made for over 40 years, from 1981 till 2006 from what I can see. Since you can still buy them new on B&H for $749.00, perhaps they are still being made.

I ordered some extra filters to use with this lens. I already have UV and orange, but amongst my other 52mm filters I have NDs and polarizers along with an Orange 21. I have decided to add both yellow and red to use with black and white film on the FM3a to experiment and learn more about colored filters.

And that brings me to another thought: I need to up my game and challenge myself a bit with photography. Perhaps a 365 project with hints from sources, or just a determination to shoot B&W film for a year with this lens and the FM3a. Maybe I should aim for 3 images a week with just one film (ie Tri-x, HP5) or a variety of B&W films to see what they are all about. It certainly could be fun.

So, a BIG Christmas present to myself . . . a prime lens I know I am going to enjoy.

Happy Holidays everyone!